Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.

Nature Reserves

September on Hothfield Heathlands

Margery Thomas, Hothfield Volunteer and regular columnist looks at the lack of butterfly sightings in recent months, the work volunteers are doing to remove bracken and how this all impact the wider management of the last remaining fragments of heathland we have left in Kent.

Nature Reserves A frost-covered tree against a blue sky.
©️ Mark Hamblin

Winter woodland management

Winter, for many, is a season of preparation for the year ahead, of drawing inward. Outside, the earth draws inward too, bedding down to preserve its energy for the warmer days...

Nature Reserves

Restoring Bogs and Peatland

Ian Rickards, Area Manager for Kent Wildlife Trust explains why there is some dramatic work currently being undertaken at Hothfield Heathlands Nature Reserve.

Nature Reserves

Why We Remove Trees and Scrub at Our Reserves

Simon Bateman-Brown, Head of Land Management at Kent Wildlife Trust explains some of the habitat management techniques his team undertake each year. Learn more about why we clear scrub, cut trees, open woodlands and coppice.


Hidden Gems

Our Ashford Meadows Project Officer Camilla Blackburn shares how small sites can really make a difference to wildlife.