Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.

Collaborative conservation in the South East: Pine martens

This year, Kent Wildlife Trust, in collaboration with Wildwood Trust and Sussex Wildlife Trust, Ashdown Forest and Forestry England, is beginning to explore the social and ecological feasibility of reintroducing pine martens to Kent and Sussex, while co-developing a ten-year strategy with a wide range of stakeholders to restore the species in the South East.

David Parkyn

All about beavers in Kent!

“What’s he so excited about?” “Oh, it’s probably just the beavers.” This was one passer-by’s comments to another, as I stood on the bank of the Stour in central Canterbury excitedly pointing towards the river and gasping in astonishment.

Species The tail of a red squirrel popping up from behind some dead wood and purple flowers.
© Peter Cairns/2020VISION

Nuts about squirrels! The story of the red squirrel

We couldn't let Squirrel Appreciation Day (21st of January) pass without doffing our caps to these agile, speedy, intelligent mammals and shining a spotlight on the grey and red squirrels that live in the UK.


Paradise Park's Choughs flying free over Dover

Director of Paradise Park Cornwall, Alison Hales explains the history of chough reintroductions and successful progress over recent decades including their work with Wildwood Trust and Kent Wildlife Trust to reintroduce them in Kent.