Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.


Along the Hedgerow

Following the dry, warm, sunny weeks, the earth is dry and cracking beneath our feet. However, the hedgerow we walk along is green and colourful with blossoms of many kinds.


What have insects ever done for us?

The UK has over 20,000 species of insect, but their numbers are declining sharply. As we gear up to take ‘Action for Insects’, science communicator David Urry looks at why we should care.


Why should we care about disappearing insects?

Dave Goulson is a Professor at the University of Sussex and studies the ecology, behaviour and conservation of bumblebees. He is also interested in pollinators and pollination more generally, and particularly in the sustainable management of pollinators in agro-ecosystems


National Meadows Day

In celebration of National Meadows Day, we thought we would share some interesting facts with you on Kent and the nation’s wild meadows.


A Wilder Future for Kent

All of us are witnessing global political, socio-economic and environmental changes on a scale which screams at us the importance of conserving habitats and species which form the life support systems of our planet.