Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.


Paradise Park's Choughs flying free over Dover

Director of Paradise Park Cornwall, Alison Hales explains the history of chough reintroductions and successful progress over recent decades including their work with Wildwood Trust and Kent Wildlife Trust to reintroduce them in Kent.

Species Elephant hawk-moth caterpillar © Vaughn Matthews
Vaughn Matthews

The elephant in the room

Late summer is the best time to discover one of the UK’s chunkiest caterpillars, the elephant hawk-moth.


Surprising sea life found in the UK

It's not all about Kent. To celebrate this National Marine Week, we take a look at some of the many marine species all over the UK that surprise and delight us.


The Cycle of Life of Pollinating Insects

Emma Lansdell, Kent's Plan Bee Officer kicks off Insect Week with an excellent blog on pollinator lifecycles. Learn how they go from egg to maturity and what you can do to help improve their numbers.

Species Jay
Mark Hamblin

6 places to see corvids in Kent

Where can you see corvids in Kent? Find out about some of the places where you can find these intelligent birds and a little help identifying them.


10 birds that come alive at dawn

It's International Dawn Chorus Day! Find out about some of the most common sounds of the early morning dawn chorus and learn to identify them in this blog.