Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.

Nature Reserves

My Day with Sir David

Mollie Amor describes her memorable day meeting Sir David Attenborough and the Planet Earth III crew at Downe Bank Nature Reserve.

Nature Reserves

Why We Remove Trees and Scrub at Our Reserves

Simon Bateman-Brown, Head of Land Management at Kent Wildlife Trust explains some of the habitat management techniques his team undertake each year. Learn more about why we clear scrub, cut trees, open woodlands and coppice.

Nature Reserves

August on Hothfield Heathlands

Margery Thomas, volunteer at Hothfield Heathlands, shares some of the highlights on offer at the reserve in August. Learn more about the species found here such as the beautiful yellowhammer.

Nature Reserves

It's 'Blean' a whole year

We're celebrating one year of bison back in the UK. The global success of our bison reintroduction has been incredible so make sure to read about all the highlights we've had along the way.