Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.

Campaigns and Projects

How biodiverse is your farm?

Ray Morris, founding member of Marden Wildlife and the Marden Farmer Cluster, explores what makes a farm 'biodiverse', and how Marden Wildlife group are working with farmers to exchange knowledge and experience to benefit nature in the Marden area.

Food and Farming

Farming for the future

“A wildlife-rich natural world is vital for our wellbeing and survival. We need wild places to thrive. Yet many of our systems and laws have failed the natural world. We now live in one of the most nature depleted places on the planet. Nature urgently needs our help to recover – and it can be done.” Sir David Attenborough


Arable Reversion at Somerden Farm

Sam Thomas, Landscape Scale Project Officer at Kent Wildlife Trust, writes for us about the East of Eden project he is leading on behalf of the Trust.