Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.

Wilding A group of brown iron-age brown pigs among wildflower in West Blean

Pigs and wildflower meadows

The value of pigs in restoring woodlands is being increasingly recognised. For instance, pigs break up dense mats of pine needles to get new seedlings.


The English Species Reintroduction Taskforce - Part 1

Evan Bowen-Jones, CEO of Kent Wildlife Trust gives an overview of his time providing evidence for the the EFRA (Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee) in the Houses of Parliament as part of their inquiry on Species Reintroduction.


Help Wildlife this Winter!

While the weather is getting colder and we are turning up the heat and getting cosy at home, it's easy to forget about the wildlife outside. Take a look at a few ways to help wildlife this winter!


Giving Nature a helping hand

Wildlife can recover, but we often need to give it a nudge in the right direction. Here our warden, Alison, talks about an innovative approach used at Nashenden to help diversify a previous arable section: