Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.

How to enable landscape resilience

Industrial agriculture was designed to maximise the production of a single crop or animal, but these practices are not always best for the environment or the farmer. The solution is to build a resilient landscape where food production is maximised AND in harmony with nature.

Campaigns and Projects

What is COP27?

As the COP27 conference begins we're looking for the UK and World Governments to not only talk but to take action and fight the climate crises that we all face. But what is COP27 and how will decisions made in Egypt affect us in Kent?

Campaigns and Projects

Guardians of the Deep – The project’s beginnings

When we last checked in with Guardians of the Deep we were thrilled to announce our success in securing a £446,100 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Our new Project Officer Zoë Stevenson explains what’s been happening since then, what the project is all about, and how you can get involved in helping your local coastline.

Campaigns and Projects

Lodge Hill in May

We're still campaigning to #SaveLodgeHill, a UK stronghold for nightingales, from housing development. We went back to Lodge Hill since our visit in Autumn, to see how the site has changed over the seasons and to listen to the nightingales.