If you go down to the woods today – 9 surprising animals to look out for amongst the Kentish trees
Volunteer Matt Huggins explores some of the lesser-known but still fascinating animals that grace our woodlands.
Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.
Volunteer Matt Huggins explores some of the lesser-known but still fascinating animals that grace our woodlands.
Volunteer Matt Huggins explores the underground secrets of mycorrhizal networks and how they help trees to communicate with one another.
You hear “shark”, you think Jaws. Sadly, this is true for many of us… but then who hasn’t been slightly traumatised by Steven Spielberg’s enduring epic?
Insects are often overlooked, and yet they play a crucial role in maintaining the health of ecosystems and supporting human survival.
Learn more about the rarest of the milkworts, this perrenial plant grows on chalky grassland and limestone pastures in Kent.
Ladybirds are probably our most familiar beetles – and also some of the most popular. They’re known as the gardener’s friend, as many hunt the aphids that occasionally feed on our prized plants. Take a closer look in this blog!
I have to admit how little I knew about slugs and snails before reading the latest Wild About Gardens guide. The RHS and The Wildlife Trusts have given these incredible creatures a reputation makeover. Discover for yourself these magnificent molluscs and the benefits they bring to our gardens.
Atlantic salmon are drifting towards extinction, but we can help them leap back from the brink.