Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.

Food and Farming Groundswell sign

A groundswell of support for regenerative agriculture

Groundswell Agriculture Festival is the UK’s largest event dedicated to farming that regenerates the soil and restores nature. It’s a unique blend of industry conference and lively festival. This year, I took the plunge, braved the camping, and immersed myself in two days of inspiring talks and networking.

Food and Farming

What is regenerative farming?

Ever wondered what regenerative farming is and how it compares to other farming approaches? Vicki Hird, The Wildlife Trusts’ new strategic lead on agriculture, looks at this farming buzzword and what it means.

Food and Farming

How to start a farmer cluster

Rory is Nature Recovery Manager at KWT and began his career with us facilitating the Upper Beult Farmer Cluster group. From a farming background himself, he believes in the huge potential of farmers working together to achieve nature recovery at scale, hand in hand with productive farming.