Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.

Wilder Kent Strategy Paul Hadaway at the Dutch bison project walking with binoculars in hand and bison roaming freely behind him
Evan Bowen-Jones

Defragmentation: Lessons from Dutch wilding initiatives

In September 2023, representatives from the Department of Transport, National Highways, Natural England, South East Water, RSPB, and the Lifescape Project joined Kent Wildlife Trust on a discovery trip to the Netherlands to glean insights on how the Dutch have tackled the challenge of providing space for nature in a crowded landscape.

Talk on the Wild Side
Tom Gibbs and Donovan Wright - Bison Rangers

Bison Ranger Experiences at Wilder Blean

Rob Smith heads to West Blean and Thorndon Woods for a Bison Ranger Experience. Bison Ranger Tom Gibbs takes guests through the woodland in search of bison tracks and explains how the grazing animals here contribute to natural woodland regeneration.

Nature Reserves

Bridging the Gap

Helen Pitman, Wilder Blean Landscape Development Manager shares a trip to the Netherlands in September to learn how the Dutch have tackled the challenge of providing space for nature in a crowded landscape.

Nature Reserves

It's 'Blean' a whole year

We're celebrating one year of bison back in the UK. The global success of our bison reintroduction has been incredible so make sure to read about all the highlights we've had along the way.

Campaigns and Projects

How does a bison cross the road?

We take a look back at the reintroduction of bison to the blean and celebrate the recently approved development plans for our bison bridges which will help bison access more of the forest and further connect visitors with nature at Wilder Blean.