Vanessa Lynn

Vanessa Lynn

Sevenoaks Greensand Commons Volunteer

Featured content from the author

How to organise a beach clean


Plastic: while this modern material can be highly useful in many contexts, its durability is also a curse. When it’s discarded it’s a blight on our wild spaces, and a threat to our wildlife - both as litter, and when it breaks down, as microplastics which pollute ecosystems and weaken or kill organisms when ingested. A disheartening thought – but remember that taking action to pick up litter, however small, could help save an animal’s life.

Sevenoaks Greensand Commons - A Volunteer's Story


Vanessa Lynn, volunteer for the Sevenoaks Greensand Commons project describes her time on the project and what she has learned. A great article to end this project with and to mark the beginning of a new era.

Featured content from the author

How to organise a beach clean


Plastic: while this modern material can be highly useful in many contexts, its durability is also a curse. When it’s discarded it’s a blight on our wild spaces, and a threat to our wildlife - both as litter, and when it breaks down, as microplastics which pollute ecosystems and weaken or kill organisms when ingested. A disheartening thought – but remember that taking action to pick up litter, however small, could help save an animal’s life.