Natasha Aidinyantz

Digital Marketing Manager at Kent Wildlife Trust

Featured content from the author

Flea treatment is toxic to wildlife: Here are the facts


You’d be hard pressed to find a person living in the UK that doesn’t have a pet. As a nation of animal lovers, we feel the pressure to take care of our animals to the best of our ability. This often means pet insurance and regular flea treatment. But how much do we know about these treatments and the harm they do to the environment? Find out more below.

Our plans for Polhill


How do you restore a chalk downland? Our appeal to purchase an extension to our existing Polhill Bank nature reserve offers us a unique opportunity to restore an additional 26 acres of arable land into a rare and biodiverse habitat in Sevenoaks, Kent. But how do we achieve this goal? Here are our plans.

Eight trees to spot this winter


It’s hard not to admire a tree in summer when it dazzles us with its foliage and flowers but trees in winter can be majestic too. In this blog, we celebrate National Tree Week with eight amazing trees to look out for on your next winter walk.

Featured content from the author

Flea treatment is toxic to wildlife: Here are the facts


You’d be hard pressed to find a person living in the UK that doesn’t have a pet. As a nation of animal lovers, we feel the pressure to take care of our animals to the best of our ability. This often means pet insurance and regular flea treatment. But how much do we know about these treatments and the harm they do to the environment? Find out more below.