The Kent Wildlife Trust logo, a digitally illustrated Adonis blue butterfly.

Lynne and Peter Flower

Kent Wildlife Trust volunteers

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Is that a duck or an owl?


Lynne and Peter Flower have written an update on our work to enhance the number of Barn Owls in and around Kent.

Building homes for barn owls


Our hardworking volunteers, Lynne & Peter Flower, have written their second blog for Kent Wildlife Trust. This time they are focusing on our work building homes for barn owls.

Barn Owls


Lynne and Peter Flower, Kent Wildlife Trust volunteers, write about the work they do to support and protect existing barn owls and create safe places for them to increase in numbers.

Featured content from the author

Country Lane Wander


The sun and the rain lure nature into full leaf, brimming over with flowers, except for our daily exercise, we stay home. How fortunate we are to be able to walk in the countryside, Come, share with us our rambles down the country lane, and blow away the lock-down-blues. While we humans keep our distance, let’s lean a little closer to nature to wonder at her secrets.