Trinity Broad surveying
Matthew Roberts

Adonis Blue Environmental Consultants

Adonis Blue Environmental Consultants are a team of fully qualified and highly experienced ecologists, land management advisors and marine ecologists who offer ecological surveys, conservation land management advice and marine ecology services across Kent, Medway and beyond.

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Welcome to Adonis Blue Environmental

Adonis Blue Environmental Consultants, part of the Kent Wildlife Trust Group, is an ecological consultancy that provides in depth and robust ecological and land management advice and, importantly, returns all profits to conservation work in Kent.
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KWT Consultancy Services has now rebranded as Adonis Blue Environmental Consultants. This will allow them to expand their services beyond Kent, bringing their expertise to more clients, protecting more wildlife and wild spaces, continuing to deliver profits to support our conservation work. 


Kent’s wildlife and habitats are surprisingly rich and can be found anywhere from the bleak beauty of the North Kent Marshes to hum and buzz of a Town Centre garden. Much of this wildlife and habitat is protected and that protection can prove complex. 

Here at Kent Wildlife Trust, we have a team of fully qualified and highly experienced ecologists, land management advisors and marine ecologists now known as Adonis Blue Environmental.

We offer a full range of ecological surveys, conservation land management advice and marine ecology services across Kent, Medway and beyond.

Biodiversity Net Gain 

The government has committed to new laws that will make it mandatory for developments to deliver an overall increase in biodiversity, so that biodiversity is in better condition after a development is completed.

The ‘Biodiversity net gain’ approach will be brought into effect in the forthcoming Environment Bill. Developers will be required to create new habitat for wildlife – at least ten percent more than the amount lost as a result of any new development.   

We welcome this new policy, but also recognise the risk that this might not be realised. We need to support developers and ecologists to deliver what is being required by law, and to ensure that new habitat is being created in areas  where it can make the biggest difference for wildlife. For this reason, we are working closely with Kent Wildlife Trust to make sure that this opportunity is not missed.

Adonis Blue Environmental Consultants is set up to work with developers to embrace a more joined up approach to meeting legal obligations to nature. We can support businesses and further impact how commercial and development work can embody the principles of ‘Biodiversity Net Gain’ adopt and champion the approach.  We will investigate where there are opportunities for development to expand an area of land under management for wildlife, and help the sector realise a vision for a Wilder Kent on the ground.

We offer...

Ecological Advice and Surveys

Advice on all ecological aspects Preliminary Ecological Assessments and Feasibility Studies Phase 1 Habitat surveys Protected species surveys Specialist surveys

Land Management Advice and Contract Work

Advice on all aspects of land management Woodland and Arboricultural surveys Management plans Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) Practical land management work

Marine and Coastal Ecology

Advice on all aspects of Marine, intertidal and Coastal environment work Marine, intertidal habitat and species surveys Invasive species specialist advice and work Awareness, education and practical training Internship programmes

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Fox stalking prey in the snow - Danny Green

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Adonis Blue Environmental Consultants are a team of fully qualified and highly experienced ecologists, land management advisors and marine ecologists who offer ecological surveys, conservation land management advice and marine ecology services across Kent, Medway and beyond.

Contact us