Climate friendly gardening
There are plenty of ways you can take action against climate change in your own backyard or local greenspace.
Putting out a bit of food can help see mammals like hedgehogs through colder spells.
Most wild mammals are nocturnal and secretive so you may not know you have any visitors. Whether you have an urban garden or you live in the countryside, hedgehogs, wood mice and even badgers often visit. You might be surprised at who makes an appearance!
Constantly putting out food can make wild mammals reliant on unnatural food sources. But putting out a bit of food during winter allows them to top up any low stocks, and gives them a helping hand through the cold and harsh weather.
Put out fresh food at dusk and don't forget a dish of fresh water!
Putting out a bit of food will help see wild mammals through the colder weather.
Remember: it is important not to leave bread and milk out for hedgehogs as it can cause diarrhea.
There are plenty of ways you can take action against climate change in your own backyard or local greenspace.
Help hedgehogs get around by making holes and access points in fences and barriers to link up the gardens in your neighbourhood.
By providing safe places for hedgehogs to live, you’re much more likely to see these prickly creatures in your garden.