Built without using mortar, drystone walls have many nooks and crannies, and it is these spaces that makes them so valuable for wildlife. Lichen, mosses and ferns grow on and between the rocks; mice, stoats and voles hide in the gaps; bees visit the nectar-giving flowers that grow in less exposed areas; and frogs, toads and slow-worms shelter in damp crevices.
You will need:
- Spade.
- Large and small stones of your choice (limestone is often used).
- Large, flat stones to form ‘cap’ or ‘coping’ stones.
- Plants (herbs, alpines, ferns, larger flowers like red valerian and foxglove – select your plants based on the conditions your wall will face, e.g. shady, full sun, damp, exposed) and peat-free compost if you wish to add instant interest.