Raft spider

Dolomedes fimbriatus

  • Where it lives:

  • Non native species


The raft spider is a large, chunky spider that lives around the edge of ponds and ditches, and on wet heaths and bogs. Adults sit at the edge of the water, or on floating vegetation, with their front legs resting on the water's surface in order to feel for the vibrations of potential prey. Using the surface tension of the water, they chase out on to the water to catch their prey, which will even include tadpoles or small fish. Raft spiders will also swim underwater, often diving beneath the surface when threatened.

How to identify

The raft spider is a large, chocolate-brown spider, with a pale yellow stripe running down each side of its body.

Did you know?

The much rarer fen raft spider is similar to the raft spider, but is only found in a few places in the UK, including several Suffolk Wildlife Trust nature reserves.