#DefendNature: We Need You

Nature is under attack from plans by the UK Government to bulldoze thousands of laws that protect our environment.

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The UK Government is seriously threatening our wildlife

Nature is under attack from plans by the UK Government to bulldoze thousands of laws that protect our environment.

The Retained EU Law Bill (the REUL Bill) and now the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (LURB), threatens to wipe away thousands of crucial laws which protect wildlife. This will lead to even more pollution poisoning rivers, more wild places at risk of being damaged – and potentially destroyed – and more wildlife threatened with extinction.

Campaign update: 13th September 2023

A full list of amendments to the Levelling up and Regeneration Bill has been published which directs competent authorities to ignore scientific evidence when making planning and development decisions under the Habitats Regulations where nutrient pollution in wastewater is a relevant consideration. This amendment is going before MPs on Wednesday, 13th September 2023.

If you are as concerned about this as us, you can support our campaign by Tweeting your MP.

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Paul Hadaway on Retained EU Law Bill

Kent Wildlife Trust's Director of Conservation, shares his thoughts on the Government's introduction of the Retained EU Law Bill - a dangerous agenda which puts the protection of wildlife under threat.
In Kent, the Stour Catchment is quite literally flooded with nitrates and phosphates from various sources, housebuilding being just one of them. Other sources include the agricultural sector and the poorly maintained Waste-water Treatment Works (WwTW) run by the water companies. Legal policies are in place to ensure that water companies upgrade these WwTWs, but now, who can trust the Government to see this through?
Daniel Wynn Head of Nature-based Solutions at Kent Wildlife Trust
We won’t be congratulating the Government for its decision to stop doing something it should never have even thought about in the first place.
Craig Bennett, Chief executive of The Wildlife Trusts
Ecology Groups Volunteers Survey

How you can help: step-by-step

Join in

Step 1 - Write to or email your MP using our template

You can download our template letter below. 

Edit or add to the template to reflect your own concerns and why you care about wildlife. The more you add your personal touch, the more likely your MP is to listen. Try to be as succinct as possible. 

Send your letter by post or email to your MP.

Find your MP here.

Download your template letter here

Download this letter template if you have a Labour MP

Download a follow-up email here

Further guidance

If you are having trouble downloading these templates, try the following:

Dear [Name] MP,

I’m writing to urge you to do all you can to put a stop to the UK Government’s continued attack on nature.

Organisations like The Wildlife Trusts, the RSPB, the National Trust and others, remain concerned about the Government’s plans to remove thousands of laws that protect our environment by the end of the year. The Retained EU Law Bill puts at risk some of our most important protections for nature and wildlife, as well as regulations to safeguard public health, working conditions, and food standards.

Our economy depends upon everything nature provides – from food production to clean air and water, and so much more. I’m deeply concerned that the commitment to deregulation in the Retained EU Law Bill threatens to make it easier for developers to trash our most precious wildlife sites and for polluters to further poison our rivers. It will be the British economy and people who suffer the consequences.

The Conservative Government was elected in 2019 on a manifesto pledge to deliver the “most ambitious environmental programme of any country on earth”. I am pleased the new Prime Minister has promised to put “in more protection for the natural environment than we have ever had” - but this must start with scrapping the deeply damaging Retained EU Law Bill.


Step 2 - Send a postcard

We fear that less protection and less regulation will lead to more chemicals on our streets and fields, more sewage in our rivers, more plastics in our oceans and more stress as our greenspaces are destroyed. Ultimately less wildlife and fewer wild places.

Your MP can help to #DefendNature and takes local voices seriously. Ask them to speak up by sending a postcard that will land on the doormat of their office. 

Choose your postcard today

Step 3 - Stay Tuned

There are still many ways to Defend Nature. Subscribe to our email list and you'll receive updates on the campaign's progress, as well as other projects that you may be interested in getting involved in.