Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.

Wilder Kent Strategy

How to organise a beach clean

Plastic: while this modern material can be highly useful in many contexts, its durability is also a curse. When it’s discarded it’s a blight on our wild spaces, and a threat to our wildlife - both as litter, and when it breaks down, as microplastics which pollute ecosystems and weaken or kill organisms when ingested. A disheartening thought – but remember that taking action to pick up litter, however small, could help save an animal’s life.

Top tips to boost your Wilder Kent Awards submission

The closing date for Wilder Kent Awards submissions is Wednesday 31st May 2024, meaning you only have a few weeks left to finish off your existing projects and begin to gather your evidence for submission.

8 ways your business can get wild for nature this year

Does your business take its corporate environmental responsibility seriously? Perhaps you want to have a little fun while doing your part for nature! If you’re looking for ways to get outdoors, support wildlife conservation efforts, and make a difference in your local area, you’re in the right place. Here are 8 things you can do this year to ‘get wild’ and be more sustainable in the process.

Talk on the Wild Side

Conservation Management at Scotney Castle and Gardens

Join Rob Smith as he walks around Scotney Castle and Gardens learning how the team here are managing the land for nature whilst welcoming 180,000 visitors a year. Scotney manages 788 acres of land with 30 acres just dedicated to formal gardens and 300 acres designated as a SSSI.

Reflecting on FND Awareness Month

In this staff blog, Jenny Luddington - Blue Mentor (Youth Engagement & Education Officer) for Kent Wildlife Trust - offers important insight into Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) as we look back on FND Awareness Month.