Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.


Barn Owls

Lynne and Peter Flower, Kent Wildlife Trust volunteers, write about the work they do to support and protect existing barn owls and create safe places for them to increase in numbers.


New find in Kent waters

Fiona White, our Marine Officer, writes about an exiting discovery in our country's coasts. A species never before recorded in Kent has been found by a Kent Wildlife Trust volunteer Seasearcher, whilst diving in the newly designated Folkestone Pomerania Marine Conservation Zone.

Families and Schools

Forest Fun

Kathryn Barton, our Community Education Officer who works on the Forest School project, writes about how she is using Kent's wildlife to educate young people throughout the county.


Arable Reversion at Somerden Farm

Sam Thomas, Landscape Scale Project Officer at Kent Wildlife Trust, writes for us about the East of Eden project he is leading on behalf of the Trust.

Campaigns and Projects Urtecina Felina
P Young

The Guardians of the Deep

Kent Wildlife Trust is delighted that the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) is supporting a £450,000 project to involve people in looking after Kent’s marine environment. By Fiona White, Marine Officer.