Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.

Families and Schools

Wild your child!

It's common knowledge that spending time in nature is beneficial for everybody, especially for children, and the Wildlfe Trust's recent initiative, Every Child Wild, aims to inspire outdoor adventures.

Campaigns and Projects

Lodge Hill In Autumn

Our Thames Gateway Officer Greg Hitchcock shares a gallery of narrated photos to show the beauty of the Lodge Hill site that is currently at risk from Medway Housing Plans.


Guardians of the Deep Assemble!

Kent Wildlife Trust was thrilled to hear that its Guardians of the Deep project passed the second stage of the HLF application process with flying colours. Our Marine Officer Fiona White reflects on the 2-year journey to get here.

February on Hothfield Heathland

Do you still feel like hibernating through to the end of winter? You would be in good company with many animals and invertebrates on Hothfield Heathland. However, a walk out there at this time of year is exhilarating and you won’t be alone.