Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.

Campaigns and Projects Single use plastic on the beach

My Plastic Bottle-free 2018

At the start of 2018 Guardians of the Deep project officer Zoë Stevenson set herself a challenge; try and use no plastic bottles for the entire year. This is how she got on.

Nature Reserves

What's happening at Nashenden Reserve this Autumn?

Amazingly it is already ten years since Kent Wildlife Trust acquired the site and five years since our volunteer team started work. As the reserve matures we are continually finding new species of wildlife. Here are a few of the recent highlights.

Nature Reserves

Heather flowering at Hothfield Heathlands Nature Reserve

This is the month that the heather bursts into flower, covering our reserve with a carpet of purple flowers. Shading from bracken and birch scrub, has restricted the development of heather, but the recent work to create a more open habitat has allowed new heather seedlings to pop up all over the place.

Families and Schools

Rhyming in the Woods

Following a generous grant from the Cobtree Charity Trust, children at St Peters C of E Primary School in Aylesford took part in a series of poetry workshops. Their poems have been used to create the Wonderful Wordicular Wildlife Walk between Tyland Barn and Cobtree Manor Park.

Nature Reserves

Volunteering at Polhill Bank

Our Volunteers do a tremendous job and without them, Polhill Bank wouldn’t be in the state it is currently. With our plans to expand and restore 40 acres of land at Polhill, our volunteers and staff will play a crucial role in giving Polhill a future. Here our warden Paul Glanfield talks about some of the work they have undertaken so far this year