Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.

Nature Reserves

Pigs, excavators and rain

Margery Thomas describes a rainy November at Hothfield Heathland as pigs have been introduced and work is being done to make the bog areas more resilient to drier months.

Food and Farming

What is regenerative farming?

Ever wondered what regenerative farming is and how it compares to other farming approaches? Vicki Hird, The Wildlife Trusts’ new strategic lead on agriculture, looks at this farming buzzword and what it means.

Talk on the Wild Side

River Pollution and Nutrient Neutrality with Paul Hadaway

Rob Smith interviews Director of Conservation & Engagement at Kent Wildlife Trust on the Talk on the Wild Side podcast, about river pollution on the Stour and government plans for Nutrient Neutrality regulation. He also shows Rob how beaver dams have been an affective water purifier at Ham Fen Nature Reserve.